How to Build a DIY Triple Bunk Bed

How to Build a DIY Triple Bunk Bed

How to Build a DIY Triple Bunk Bed

What is a triple bunk bed?

A triple bunk bed is an innovative sleeping solution that stacks three beds on top of each other in a vertical alignment. Imagine your traditional bunk bed but with an extra layer! It’s designed to maximize sleeping spaces without consuming more of your room’s footprint than is necessary. Often used in homes with growing families or in spaces like hostels, these bunk beds are both functional and space-efficient, offering a modern solution to age-old space constraints.

Why choose a DIY approach?

Opting for a DIY approach to building a triple bunk bed not only saves money but also gives a personal touch to your creation. By going the DIY route, you can customize every inch of the bed, ensuring it perfectly fits the dimensions and style of the room. Moreover, the sense of accomplishment that comes from building something from scratch, especially a piece of furniture that serves a critical function in your home, is unbeatable. It’s an opportunity to infuse creativity, ensuring every plank, screw, and slat resonates with your personal touch.

Benefits of a Triple Bunk Bed

Space-saving solution:

In homes where space is a premium, a triple bunk bed becomes a game-changer. With the ability to accommodate three individuals in the floor space of one, it’s a boon for small apartments, cabins, or homes with multiple kids. It optimally uses vertical space, leaving more room for play, study, or even storage. For siblings sharing a room, it’s a way to give everyone their own cozy sleeping nook without the room feeling cramped.

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When compared to buying three separate beds or even modular furniture, building or acquiring a triple bunk bed is usually more cost-efficient. This is especially true if you take the DIY approach. Using standard materials and a bit of elbow grease, you can create a sturdy sleeping solution that might cost a fraction of store-bought variants. Plus, it eliminates the need for additional furniture pieces, further saving costs.

Customizable design:

One of the biggest advantages of a triple bunk bed, especially a DIY one, is the freedom to design it your way. Want a drawer under the bottom bunk? Or maybe a themed design for the kids? Perhaps built-in shelves for books? The options are endless. This level of customization ensures that the bed isn’t just another piece of furniture but a reflection of personal tastes and requirements, making it truly unique.

Materials Needed

1. Wood types:

When setting out to build a triple bunk bed, the choice of wood is paramount. Pine is a popular choice due to its durability and affordability. Cedar, on the other hand, offers natural resistance to pests and moisture, making it a long-lasting option. Some DIY enthusiasts also consider hardwoods like oak or maple for their sturdiness and refined appearance. Whatever you choose, ensure the wood is free from knots or cracks that could compromise the bed’s stability. After all, this bed isn’t just furniture; it’s a testament to your handiwork and a safe haven for your loved ones.

2. Screws and fasteners:

Equally important as the wood are the screws and fasteners, the unsung heroes of any sturdy bunk bed. Opt for galvanized or stainless steel screws, as they offer strength and resist rust over time. Consider screws with deep threads for a better grip, ensuring the bunks remain securely stacked. Additionally, brackets or corner braces might be necessary to reinforce corners and joints. When purchasing, always buy a few extra. There’s nothing more frustrating than being one screw short in the middle of a project!

3. Safety rails and ladder:

Safety should always be a top priority, especially when constructing a bed that will elevate sleepers off the ground. These rails are essential for the upper bunks to prevent any accidental falls during the night. These rails should be high enough to be effective, even with a thick mattress. As for the ladder, it needs to be strong and securely attached to the bed. Whether you decide on an angled ladder or one that’s straight, ensure it has wide steps and a non-slip surface. After all, little feet will be climbing it daily!

Tools Required

  • Saw
  • Drill
  • Measuring tape
  • Sandpaper

Step-by-Step Guide

Taking Measurements: Before diving into the actual construction, you’ll need to assess the space where your triple bunk bed will reside. Using a measuring tape, determine both the height you have available and the desired width of each bed. Always account for some wiggle room between bunks and the ceiling. Measure twice (or even three!) to ensure accuracy, as these dimensions will be the backbone of your project.

Cutting the Wood: With your measurements in hand, it’s time to cut the wood. Use a sharp and reliable saw for even cuts. Mark your wood clearly using a pencil, ensuring you follow the measurements accurately. Remember, it’s always better to cut slightly larger, as you can always trim down, but you can’t add wood back once it’s been cut.

Assembling the Frames: Once all pieces are cut to size, begin assembling the frames of each bunk. Lay out all the pieces, ensuring you have the necessary screws and fasteners at hand. Start with the base of the bottom bunk, ensuring it’s level and secure. Once you have established the bottom bunk, build upward by stacking and securely fastening the subsequent bunks.

Adding the Mattress Slats: The slats provide support for the mattresses. Space them evenly across the width of each bunk frame, ensuring they’re close enough to offer solid support but with a slight gap to allow for mattress breathability. Fasten each slat securely, using strong screws or nails.

Installing Safety Features: No bunk bed is complete without safety features. For the top and middle bunks, attach safety rails on either side to prevent accidental falls. Ensure you firmly attach the ladder for easy and safe access to the upper bunks when installing it.

Related: How to Make a Wooden Bed with Storage | Step-by-Step Guide

Safety Precautions

Ensuring stability: Stability is paramount when building a triple bunk bed. Regularly check that all joints are tight and that there’s no wobbling. Weight-test each bunk to ensure they can handle the intended load. The base, especially, should be perfectly level to guarantee the whole structure is stable.

Using appropriate materials: Opt for durable and strong materials, especially for the mainframe. Woods like pine or cedar are recommended due to their sturdiness. Ensure that screws and fasteners are of high quality, rust-free, and designed to bear significant weight.

Regular inspection: Once your triple bunk bed is in use, it’s essential to periodically inspect it for wear and tear. Check for any loose screws, weakened wood, or potential splinters. Tighten, replace, or smooth out problematic areas as needed. A well-maintained bunk bed not only lasts longer but also ensures the safety of its users.


Building a DIY triple bunk bed is more than just a space-saving solution; it’s a testament to creativity and ingenuity. By crafting your own bunk bed, you have the liberty to customize it, ensuring it fits seamlessly into your home environment. It’s an undertaking that requires precision, patience, and a commitment to safety. Yet the result is a personalized, cozy sleeping space that can bring joy for years to come. After all, isn’t there something truly special about creating something with your own hands that benefits your loved ones? Now, when’s your next DIY project starting?


1. What is the ideal age for kids to use a triple bunk bed?
While the bottom bunk can often be used by children as young as 3 years old, it’s generally recommended for safety reasons that the top bunk be reserved for children aged 6 and above. The middle bunk can be suitable for kids aged 4-5, depending on the bed’s design and the child’s comfort level.

2. How much weight can each bunk of a triple bunk bed hold?
It largely depends on the materials and construction of the bed. However, many commercially produced triple bunk beds have a weight limit of 150–200 lbs per bunk. For DIY beds, it’s essential to check the strength of the materials used.

3. Can a triple bunk bed be separated into individual beds?
Some triple bunk beds are designed to be versatile and can be separated into individual beds or a combination of a single and a double bunk bed. However, it’s crucial to check with the manufacturer or refer to the DIY design specifics.

4. How do I ensure the safety of the top bunk in a triple bunk bed?
Apart from age considerations, installing safety rails on both sides of the top bunk is essential. It’s also vital to ensure that the ladder is securely attached, the mattress fits snugly, and there’s a decent amount of space between the top bunk and the ceiling.

5. What types of mattresses are best for triple bunk beds?
Slimmer mattresses, typically 5 to 6 inches thick, are often recommended for bunk beds to ensure they don’t sit too high against safety rails. You can use memory foam, innerspring, or hybrid mattresses as long as they provide adequate support and fit securely within the bed frame.